I am proud of many things which happened this year, which I'd like to share with you:
- In January, I did a one month 500 word per day writing challenge (Paltry sounding, I know, especially for WriMo's!). Switiching from NaNoWriMo to something less intimidating proved highly successful, as I wrote more and discovered more about myself than in any previous writing challenge. If you think this might be a good fit for your writing goals, go sign yourself up!
- In March, my son (then 18 months) and I braved a 9-hour drive to Cavallino-Treporti, Italy (just outside of Venice) for a three-day religious leadership conference. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done with my child, and I regret nothing. Check out my blog post on my biggest take-away from that experience - to show up.
- In early April, I received the one compliment that radically altered the remainder of my year, both emotionally and professionally: "You are an experienced writer." (I've elaborated more on this soon) But let's just say, that comment is what kept me off this blog for so long, and I really shouldn't have let it.
- In July, I took a visit back to the place I called home almost all my life. It's not home anymore, and after three years, I am finally ok with that. I could give lots of hugs and Swiss chocolate to all my dear American friends, and I could take big strides towards assuring the longterm wellbeing of one of my three precious boys. I'll tell you more about him soon.
- In September, our family underwent some major changes. My husband took the exams which edged him over the threshold between student and practicing doctor. Days later, we hastily finished packing up our belongings and moved north to a town twelve times smaller than our previous city, a quaint and distinctly old-world European town with a river running through. Life is slower here, and people take their time. We weren't so sure about this place at first, but now we love it. Also, our son turned two. No small milestone, as my fellow Mamas can attest to!
- The last few months boast smaller achievements. I supported my husband as he began his first real job as an Assistant Doctor. My son and I, in baby steps, came to know and love our new home. I chose to be open, to put myself out there in meeting people (usually in a language I'm still very new to) and making connections. In a short time, I have already met some amazing people and am sincerely looking forward to what comes next.
I'm proud of the courage I worked up this year - to travel, to introduce myself to new people, to assert myself, my abilities and my needs. I'm proud of my growing self-confidence as I share my thoughts and ideas. I'm proud of each effort I have made to step out of the familiar and comfortable.
I'm not proud of the moments I caved in to self-pity and panic, when I gave in to the little voice that egged me on, saying "Do it. Be melodramatic. Let these molehills be mountains. You'll feel better," only to discover that I would feel worse after. I'm not proud of the moments when I chose to be an unsupportive wife, an impatient Mama, a needy attention leech. I'm not proud of the moments when I let myself collapse at the feathery touch of a single critical or dissenting remark. 2015 brings with it much to work on.
I hope to make 2015 a year of strength, of steadfast serenity, of resting in the surety of love. I hope to dig deeper, to be unafraid of the learning process, to ask lots of questions and to spend lots of time listening as well. And I hope to serve you, my readers, with words that nourish, inspire and motivate.
Have a wonderful New Years' Eve and New Years' Day 2015!
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