Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wearing Our Passion

Today I took a look at my husband's med student uniform - white lab coat, stethoscope, name badge, topped off with a kind smile. I couldn't help but smile back, knowing that this is the man that thousands of patients will find themselves face to face with. I know he'll use his presence of mind and body to help them feel better, and I'm really proud of him.

As I was giving our little one a bath, I found my mind wandering towards a question I've never really pondered: if my passion had a uniform, what would it be? 

Nope, it's not a life or death question. Not even close to critical. But I think we've established here at "But I'm a Mom" that there are no questions too small or seemingly stupid for your consideration. 

So, back to the question. If I were to create a visual identity for my passion, what would that visualization include? 

Here's the details I have in mind:
- acrylic paint on my fingers and clay in my cuticles. 
- a pencil, pen and notebook in my pocket
- clothes with actual pockets (because women's clothes have a serious lack of pocketage, am I right?!)
- shoes would be optional :)

And now, it's your turn: what would you wear for your passion?


  1. Women's clothes never have pockets. So upsetting. I love this blog, Cathlene! Thank you so much for your writing!

  2. Wear your passion - what a great thought! This reminds me of when I was 12 or so and sewed a belt with pockets on all sides (like a utility belt) containing things I thought were the most important. I had a pocket for a notebook, one for a pencil, a flashlight, a pen, an eraser (very important), snacks and perhaps a few other things.
